I love to be and act in both worlds. On one hand to analyse the complex, international and multisite prozesses in and with Microsoft Dynamics 365 for operations (retail). On other hand the simple and beautiful design in iOS...and how to develop this.
On of my projects today: Bring both worlds together. I try to put a merchandise management to a tiny Smartphone like the iPhone. Simple and still complex, easy in handling and beautiful in design. Take a closer look to the Sales Client and the mobile commerce app.
With my passion to develop for smartphones and tablets i created some products for the German craftsman market. You found here the links to the product pages (in german).
All products have some main basic frameworks like to import and export data, to create KPIs and diagrams and to design reports and printouts of vouchers. All products have contact management, product management, a basket, a voucher repository and many more.
To take a deeper look click on one of the links on the right side.
Copyright 2022 Marco Rey y Sander - Gartenstrasse 18 - 21385 Amelinghausen - Germany